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Part One Of The Writing...The Timeline

"Where were you?"

3rd Step Prayer---Be Neat and Thorough


Age 0-10

List the following for each age group in column form...

Places you worked or volunteered...

Places you lived...

Neighborhoods you played in...

Bars you hung out in and frequented...

Groups and clubs you belonged to...AA, motorcycle, chess, etc.

Sports you played or coached...

Schools you attended...

Musical instruments you played...

Associations or boards you belonged to...

Hospitals, rehabs, treatment facilities, jails and institutions you were in...



Age 11-15

Repeat the same for each age group in increments of five years...(yes, some things will be repeated)







Turn the page and label it "Age 16-20," halfway down label it "Age 21-25" and continue turning the pages and listing your age until you reach your current neat and thorough!


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